Practically speaking, how is the timestamp computed?
For audio, the timestamp is incremented by the packetization interval times the samping rate(数据包的时间跨度乘以采样率). For example, for audio packets containing 20ms of audio sampled at 8000Hz. The timestamp for each block of audio inreases by 160, even if the block is not sent due to silence suppression. Also, note that the actual samplig rate will differ slightly from this nominal rate, but the sender typically has no reliable way to measure this divergence.For video, time clock rate is fixed at 90kHz. The timestamp generated depend on whether the application can determine the frame number or not. If it can or it can be sure that it is transmitting every frame with a fixed frame rate, the timestamp is governed by the nominal frame rate. Thus, for a 30fps video, timestamps would increase by 3000 for each frame. If a frame is transmitted as several RTP packets, these packets would all bear the same timestamp. If the frame number cannot be determined or if frames are sampled aperidcally, as is typically the case for software codecs, the timestamp has to be computed from the system clock(e.g gettimeifday()).
In a multimedia conference, are the initial timestamp values related?
No, initial time stamp values are picked randomly and independently for each RTP stream. Synchronization between different media is performed by receivers through the NTP(一个网络时间协议) timestamps in the RTCP sender reports. This timestamp provides a common time reference that associates a media-specific RTP timestamp with the common “wallclock” time shared across media.
最近看的《The arr of unix prigramming》书中非常明确肯定的支出,应该使用多进程而不是多线程,多线程只有在万不得已时才使用。但是纵观目前音视频领域的各个开源软件,情况好像有所不同。
VLC is heavily multi-thread.
The single-thread approach would have introduced too much complexity because decoder preemptiblity and scheduling would then be a mastermind(for instance decoders and outputs have to be separated, otherwise it cannot be warrantied that a frame will be played at the exact presentation time).
Multi-process approach wasn’t chosen either, because multi-process decoders usually imply more overhead(problems of shared memory) and communication between processes is harder.
Form 《The art of unix programming》
MacOs 在历史上发生过3次重大设计变革,其中第三次是把自己和来自Unix的架构进行融合形成了现在的MacOs X。
MacOs主要设计理念就是:界面方针(the Mac Interface Guidelines),也就是说Mac系统是一个客户端操作系统
为什么Linux系统上面的GUI一直无法达到Mac的水平?因为将服务器操作系统特性,如多用户优先权和完全多任务处理,改装到客户端操作系统上非常困难, 很可能打破对旧版本客户端的兼容性,而且通常做出的系统即脆弱又令人不满意。